706919 Special Course 2 (AT): Formation of planets and planetary systems

winter semester 2011/2012 | Last update: 23.02.2012 Place course on memo list
Special Course 2 (AT): Formation of planets and planetary systems
VO 1
not applicable
The course will give a short overview on the formation of planets and planetary systmems in the planetesimal and the core accretion hypothesis. The main topics are: - observational evidences, the diversity of planetary systems; - a special case: the Solar System; - observation, characterization, and physics of protoplanetary accretion disks; - formation of planetesimals by coagulation of dust particles, the meter size barrier; - the growth of planetesimals (runaway and oligarchic growth); - formation of terrestrial planets; - formation of giant planets; - disk-planet and planet-planet interactions, migration of planets in gas and planetesimal disks; - formation of planetary systems, the Nice model
lecture in English
Mo 15:15-16:45, SR 8/23a