622900 The Nazis' Literary Politics and Exile. Flight and Expulsion of Authors and Publishers from Germany and Austria
summer semester 2014 | Last update: 30.04.2014 | Place course on memo listThis course focuses on the importance of cultural intermediaries such as authors, booksellers and publishers in extremely difficult times, a knowledge that permits to contribute to the positive development of society.
The history of publishing houses and literature policy of the Nazi era is one of the most interesting topics of German literature and contemporary history. Concrete examples furnish very detailed information about the dangerous work accomplished by authors, publishers and booksellers during the Nazi regime. The ascension to power of Hitler and the Nazi party NSDAP - highlighted by the book burnings in Germany in 1933 and in Austria in 1938 – marked the beginning of the systematic persecution of dissidents. All authors who opposed the Nazis were exposed to lethal threat, likewise all publishers and libraries. The raids on cultural goods of all kinds were unequaled. Only a few managed to escape to European neighboring countries or overseas - hoping usually in vain to be able to build a new life in exile; thousands of them died in camps in the Soviet Union.
It’s only a short time ago, that efforts are being made to come to terms with the Nazi era. In this context, publishers who had experienced exile on their own played a special role. Thus, since the mid-70s, the S.Fischer Publishing House for instance has published the systematically assembled and popularly called "Black Series" on the period of National Socialism, which has become one of the most successful and influential book series of the present.
Block event. The course is presented in a varied and interesting way by contributions from students. Use of cinematic source materials. Discussion.
1. Regular attendance, 2. written presentation (about 5 A4 pages) and 3. oral presentation of the written assignment
The lecture topics and corresponding literature data are available at the beginning of the SS 2014 at the Office for Contemporary History (with Mrs. Mag Scherpereel Ulrike).
Registration from 27.01.2014 required! Limited number of participants. Delivery of presentation texts formulated to 05.05.2014 (on time) to walter.pehle @ t-online.de (not to the University-address!)
- Faculty of Humanities 1 (Philosophy and History)
- Doctor of Philosophy Programme Historical Sciences and European Ethnology according to the curriculum 2009 (180 ECTS-Credits, 6 semesters)
- Doctor of Philosophy Programme Art History and Musicology according to the curriculum 2009 (180 ECTS-Credits, 6 semesters)
- Doctor of Philosophy Programme Philosophy according to the curriculum 2009 (180 ECTS-Credits, 6 semesters)
- Faculty of Humanities 2 (Language and Literature)
Group 0
Date | Time | Location | ||
Mon 2014-05-19
08.30 - 13.30 | 40628 UR 40628 UR | Barrier-free | |
Tue 2014-05-20
08.30 - 13.30 | 40628 UR 40628 UR | Barrier-free | |
Wed 2014-05-21
08.30 - 13.30 | 40628 UR 40628 UR | Barrier-free | |
Thu 2014-05-22
08.30 - 11.30 | 40628 UR 40628 UR | Barrier-free | |
Fri 2014-05-23
08.30 - 13.30 | 40628 UR 40628 UR | Barrier-free |