621092 Snowboarding

winter semester 2014/2015 | Last update: 27.01.2015 Place course on memo list
EX 1
each semester

Applied didactics, kinesiology and training science in skiing; practical experience of basic motor abilities and basic motor skills; proficiency of significant techniques; assessing danger; critical analyses of sports equipment.

Proficiency in movement technique, improvement of skill level, assessing danger.

practical course

active class participation, grading of performance level

Will be discussed in the first lesson.

Due to substantial differences in the allocation of ECTS-Credits in various curricula (teacher training programs/specialized degree programs), the requirements for this course vary. Information will be provided by the instructor at the beginning of the course. 


to be announced
30.01.-01.02.2015, Kühtai
Group 0
Date Time Location
Tue 2014-12-09
19.00 - 20.00 S140 S140 Barrier-free