202515 Theoretical Philosophy - Special Issues II: Personal Identity, Death, and Resurrection

summer semester 2015 | Last update: 26.04.2018 Place course on memo list
Theoretical Philosophy - Special Issues II: Personal Identity, Death, and Resurrection
VU 2
every 2nd year

Familiarity with key positions of the contemporary debate in philosophy of religion on personal identity, death and resurrection.

In this course we discuss three major topics:

- Is survival after death possible at all?

- What metaphysical models of survival after death/resurrection are discussed in contemporary analytic philosophy of religion, and how do these relate to Christian eschatology?

- Should we be interested in survival after death?

More Details can be found on OLAT.

Presentation and discussion of the relevant literature.

Presentation, discussion, and short oral exam.



The course will be held in cooperation with lecturers and students from Augsburg. One half of the course will take place in Augsburg (April 16 - 18), the other in Innsbruck (June 12 - 13). Students can apply for financial support for lodging and travel expenses.

see dates
16. - 18. April und 21. - 22. Mai, Augsburg