224029 The Self-Perception of Believing People and Communities: Symbolism of electoral procedures in the Church History
summer semester 2015 | Last update: 05.03.2015 | Place course on memo listUnderstanding of election procedures in ancient and medieval church history.
Based on primary sources the course deals with election procedures in ancient and medieval church history.
Presentation and written paper
Johan Leemans / Peter Van Nufelen / Shawn Kenough / Carla Nicolaye (Hg.), Episcopal Elections in Late Antiquity (Arbeiten zur Kirchengeschichte 119), Berlin u.a. 2001.
Christoph Dartmann / Günther Wassilowsky / Thomas Weller (Hgg.), Technik und Symbolik vormoderner Wahlverfahren (Historische Zeitschrift. Beihefte, Bd. 52), München 2010.
Reinhard Schneider / Harald Zimmermann (Hg.), Wahlen und Wählen in Mittelalter (Vorträge und Forschungen, hg. vom Konstanzer Arbeitskreis für mittelalterliche Geschichte, Bd. 37), Sigmaringen 1990.
For Diploma Programme Catholic Theology: positive completion of compulsory module 1 (first part of studies).
A basic knowledge of Latin.
- Faculty of Catholic Theology