645111 Excursion

winter semester 2015/2016 | Last update: 27.08.2015 Place course on memo list
EX 2
each semester

Ability to describe and discuss public memories of the Reformation in national and regional contexts

In 2017, the worldwide memory of the first announcement of Luther`s critical thesis will take place. The excursion is to regard forms of public memory in Switzerland, especially in Zurich and Berne (protestant) and in Fribourg (catholic). We will visit museums, but also churches and other places of local interest due to religious affairs in the early 16th century.

Studying of objects and places of public memory of the Reformation in local contexts

joining the excursion and giving a lecture

a list of books will be announced in the preparation course

The excursion will take place in six days in January/February 2016. If you are interested, please contact the office of Kernfach "Neuzeit" or send an email to cordula.praxmarer@uibk.ac.at

There will be a organizational meeting at the end of June.

to be announced