418116 Interdisciplinary Competencies:
summer semester 2019 | Last update: 06.03.2023 | Place course on memo listStudents are able to critically discuss different approaches and concepts of media, knowledge and education in interdisciplinary contexts.
Politics and media have reciprocal effects and depend on each other. Politics have an important allocation function in the overall decision-making process. In a democracy media institutions have above all the tasks to inform, to clarify and to control.
It is a process of negotiations between media and the respective political actors, permitting also individuals and groups to participate by using more and more digital forms of communication. Beside the “classical” media like (online) television, (online) newspaper, radio (podcasts), “social media” have facilitated new options of political participation above all for young people.
Against the background of the upcoming elections for the European Parliament students learn about the respective communication platforms and information possibilities for political participation. They are analysing relevant media reports in relation to the EP election and have the chance to create an own radio show.
- Analysis of media channels (Internet / Social Media, Print, TV, Radio)
- Analysis of forms and methods of reporting (interviews, vox pop, editorial comments, discussion forms)
- Introducation to audio cutting
- Creation of a radio show with focus on the European Elections in May
Participation, Creation of a Media Contribution, Critical Reflection
Literature (extract):
Ringler, P. et. al. (2013): Internet und Demokratie in Österreich, Grundlagenstudie Wien, Juni 2013.
Schweiger, W. (2017): Der (des)informierte Bürger im Netz. Wie soziale Medien die Meinungsbildung verändern, Wiesbaden: Springer VS.
Wallner, R. (2018): Digitale Medien zwischen Transparenz und Manipulation, Internet und politische Kommunikation in der repräsentativen Demokratie. Wiesbaden: Springer VS
Thimm, Caja (2018): Digitale Partizipation – Das Netz als Arena des Politischen? Neue Möglichkeiten politischer Beteiligung im Internet. In: Roth-Ebner, Caroline/Krotz, Friedrich/Rath, Mattias/Kalina, Andreas (Hrsg.): Mediatisierte Gesellschaften. Medienkommunikation und Sozialwelten im Wandel. Tutzinger Studien zur Politik, Bd. 10. Baden-Baden: Nomos, S. 159-187.
Demokratiewebstatt (o.J.): Das Verhältnis von Medien und Politik, Onlineportal des Österreichischen Parlaments für Kinder und Jugendliche, https://www.demokratiewebstatt.at/thema/thema-pressefreiheit/das-verhaeltnis-von-medien-und-politik
22.05.2019, Radio Freirad
- Faculty of Teacher Education
- Interdisciplinary and additional courses
Group 0
Date | Time | Location | ||
Thu 2019-03-21
13.45 - 17.00 | Container 1 Container 1 | ||
Thu 2019-03-28
13.45 - 19.00 | 60434 SR 60434 SR | Barrier-free | |
Thu 2019-05-09
13.45 - 19.00 | 60434 SR 60434 SR | Barrier-free |