628026 VO Interfaith Learning from an Islamic Perspective

summer semester 2020 | Last update: 05.02.2020 Place course on memo list
VO Interfaith Learning from an Islamic Perspective
VO 1

The students should be able to know the statements of the Koran and the hadiths about Interreligious to classify them correctly. They should get to know different Islamic concepts that support interfaith learning.

Examining the Qur'anic statements of Prophet Muhammad on religious diversity. The analysis of various concepts of interfaith learning designed by Muslims. Presentation of various practical examples of interreligious learning in history and the present. Hermeneutic approaches to dealing with difficult Qur'anic bodies, which can be understood as an obstacle to interreligious learning.

Lecture, discussion


Mehmed Said Hatiboğlu: İslam’ın Aktüel Değeri Üzerine, Otto: Ankara 2009

Muḥammad Aḥmad Ḫalafallāh: al-Fann al-qaṣaṣī fī-l-Qurʾān al-Karīm, Kairo 1953 (türkische Übersetzung: Kur’an’da Anlatım Sanatı, übers. von Şaban Karataş, Ankara Okulu: Ankara 2002

Mūsā Ǧārallāh Bigiev: Kitāb as-sunna, Bhopal 1945 (die türkische Übersetzung: Kitâbu’s-Sünne, übers. von Mehmet Görmez, Ankara Okulu: Ankara 1998)

Süleyman Ateş: Die geistige Einheit der Offenbarungsreligionen, übers. von Abdullah Takim, Istanbul 1998

ʿĀʾiša ʿAbdarraḥmān: at-Tafsīr al-bayānī li-l-Qurʾān al-Karīm, Kairo 1980
