628034 VO Educational Science for Primary Schools

summer semester 2020 | Last update: 18.08.2020 Place course on memo list
VO Educational Science for Primary Schools
VO 2

Students are able to understand the basic theories of education, responsibility or subjectivication.

They are familiar with the general conditions, goals and orientations of the IRU curriculum (primary level).

They have knowledge of theories of psychology and the forms of learning and cognitive development of children.

They are able to intervene on a given occasion (for example: bullying, exclusion, contingency experience, etc.) - dominate the methods and forms of intervention.

They master exercises, games, rituals and methods for promoting social skills.

Basic knowledge in pedagogical-educational science at the primary level. 

General educational principles:

education and parenting

education to maturity (subject acquisition)

curriculum (general)

Learning, development and communication psychological basics:

Theories (psychology) and forms of learning

Cognitive development

Perception, thinking, memory, motivation, cognitions and emotions

Social learning:

Systemic Thinking and Working in Groups (Group Dynamics)

Methods of intervention
Exercises, games and rituals on team building and promotion of social skills

Lecture, discussion, presentation


Petillon, Hanns: Soziales Lernen in der Grundschule - das Praxisbuch (Pädagogik) 2017

Adam, Gottfried: ‚Ethisches und soziales Lernen‘, in: Gottfried Bitter/Rudolf Englert/Gabriele Miller u. a. (Hg.): Neues Handbuch religionspädagogischer Grundbegriffe, München 2002, S. 238–243

Kaiser, Astrid (Hg.): Bildung und Erziehung (Behinderung, Bildung, Partizipation; 3), Stuttgart 2010

Prange, Klaus/Strobel-Eisele, Gabriele: Die Formen des pädagogischen Handelns: Eine Einführung (Urban-Taschenbücher; 692), Stuttgart 2006

Gruppen-, Interaktions- und Lerntheorien (Psychologie Lehrtexte) 22002;

Mägdefrau, Jutta (Hg.): Schulisches Lehren und Lernen: Pädagogische Theorie an Praxisbeispielen, Bad Heilbrunn 2010

Group 0
Date Time Location
Sat 2020-02-29
09.00 - 17.00 SR VII (Theologie) SR VII (Theologie) Barrier-free
Sun 2020-03-01
09.00 - 13.00 SR VII (Theologie) SR VII (Theologie) Barrier-free
Sat 2020-03-07
09.00 - 16.00 SR VII (Theologie) SR VII (Theologie) Barrier-free
Fri 2020-03-27
15.00 - 16.00 SR III (Theologie) SR III (Theologie) Barrier-free schriftliche Prüfung