702655 VU High performance computing

summer semester 2020 | Last update: 16.10.2024 Place course on memo list
VU High performance computing
VU 3
each semester

The goal of this lecture is to teach the basics of using supercomputers for conducting numerical simulations, such as those found in science and industry. Hands-on exercises that will use the teaching cluster of the University  are emphasized.

We will cover the following topics

* Performance in the context of parallel systems

* Commonly used technologies to program supercomputers (OpenMP and


* How supercomputers enable large scale numerical simulations

* Algorithmic aspects of running efficiently on supercomputers

* Current trends in high performance computing

see dates
Group 0
Date Time Location
Mon 2020-03-09
15.15 - 18.00 rr 18 rr 18 Barrier-free
Mon 2020-03-16
15.15 - 18.00 rr 18 rr 18 Barrier-free
Mon 2020-03-23
15.15 - 18.00 rr 18 rr 18 Barrier-free
Mon 2020-03-30
15.15 - 18.00 rr 19 rr 19 Barrier-free
Mon 2020-04-20
15.15 - 18.00 rr 18 rr 18 Barrier-free
Mon 2020-04-27
15.15 - 18.00 rr 18 rr 18 Barrier-free
Mon 2020-05-04
15.15 - 18.00 rr 18 rr 18 Barrier-free
Mon 2020-05-11
15.15 - 18.00 rr 18 rr 18 Barrier-free
Mon 2020-05-18
15.15 - 18.00 rr 18 rr 18 Barrier-free
Mon 2020-05-25
15.15 - 18.00 rr 18 rr 18 Barrier-free
Mon 2020-06-08
15.15 - 18.00 rr 18 rr 18 Barrier-free
Mon 2020-06-15
15.15 - 18.00 Seminarraum 609 Seminarraum 609 Barrier-free
Mon 2020-06-22
15.15 - 18.00 rr 18 rr 18 Barrier-free