222031 VO Dogmatik Theology: Main Topics of Dogmatic Theology: Trinity

winter semester 2020/2021 | Last update: 08.10.2020 Place course on memo list
VO Dogmatik Theology: Main Topics of Dogmatic Theology: Trinity
VO 1

This Lecture will enable students to:
(a) demonstrate a historically informed understanding of the significance of the doctrine the trinity for the Christian concept of God
(b) give an account of the interrelation between the trinitarian doctrine of God and the Church’s self-understanding with reference to patristic, medieval and modern sources.
(c) evaluate critically a variety of Protestant, Catholic and Orthodox views concerning the nature of this doctrine.
(d) analyse and interpret key texts and sources relating to trinitarian theology
(e) develop an awareness of the spiritual significance of this doctrine for the Christian form of life in a post-confessional world.

•    The Grammar of the Trinity
•    The Rise of Cristian Doctrine
•    The Cappadocian Fathers on the Trinity
•    St. Augustine on the Trinity
•    Karl Barth on Trinity and Revelation
•    Karl Rahner on Trinity and Revelation
•    Nicholas of Cusa’s Trinitarian Mystics


Oral examination.

General information on exams, dates and sign-on at the department:

Katechismus der Katholischen Kirche. Zweiter Abschnitt: Erstes Kapitel: Artikel 1, Absätze 1 und 2; Zweites Kapitel: Artikel 2-7; Drittes Kapitel: Artikel 8.
Aurelius Augustinus, De Trinitate. Lateinisch-Deutsch (Hamburg: Meiner 2019),  Bücher 9 und 10, sowie Buch 15, §45-49.
Karl Barth, Die kirchliche Dogmatik (Zürich: Theologischer Verlag 1986), I.1 §4.3, and I.2 §8.1-2
Karl Rahner, Grundkurs des Glaubens. Einführung in den Begriff des Christentums (Freiburg – Basel – Wien, Kap. 4 und 5
Johannes Hoff, "Diesseits des panoptischen ‚Blicks von Nirgendwo': Das ‚Schauen Gottes' bei Nikolaus von Kues." In: Communio 44/2 (2015), 134-147
Johannes Hoff, "The Rise and the Fall of the Kantian Paradigm of Modern Theology". In: Conor Cunningham; Peter M. Candler (Ed.), The Grandeur of Reason: Religion, Tradition and Universalism (London: SCM-Press 2010), 167-196, pp. 167-175
Johannes Hoff, "Why we need Nicholas of Cusa after the Representationalist Delusions of Modern Philosophy and Theology." In: In Vorbereitung (2020).
Rowan Williams, "Trinitate, de". In: Allan Fitzgerald; John C. Cavadini (Ed.), Augustine through the ages. An Encyclopedia (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans 1999), 845-851
Jaroslav Pelikan, Christianity and Classical Culture. The Metamorphosis of Natural Theology in the Christian Encounter with Hellenism (New Haven: Yale University Press 1993), ch. 19  
Karen Kilby, "Is an Apophatic Trinitarianism Possible?" In: International Journal of Systematic Theology 12/1 (2010), 66-77


Group 0
Date Time Location
Wed 2020-11-25
14.00 - 15.45 eLecture - online eLecture - online
Wed 2020-12-02
14.00 - 15.45 eLecture - online eLecture - online
Wed 2020-12-09
14.00 - 15.45 eLecture - online eLecture - online
Wed 2020-12-16
14.00 - 15.45 eLecture - online eLecture - online
Wed 2021-01-13
14.00 - 15.45 eLecture - online eLecture - online
Wed 2021-01-20
14.00 - 15.45 eLecture - online eLecture - online
Wed 2021-01-27
14.00 - 15.45 eLecture - online eLecture - online