621060 UE Ice-Skating

winter semester 2020/2021 | Last update: 17.08.2020 Place course on memo list
UE Ice-Skating
UE 1

 Basic techniques of skating, playful forms of movement on the ice, development of movement sequences individually and in groups; Knowledge of the methodological steps to improve skating technique with motion analysis and error correction; Security aspect

Learn and improve the following basic elements: Forward skating, backward skating, stops (snowplow stop and 1/2 snowplow stop, hockey stop), swizzles forward and backward, squat, forward and backward one-food glides (stork, arabesque), forward outside and inside edge on a circle, forward and backward crossovers with outside edge at the end, two-food jump, Waltz jump, two-food turn from forward to backward (clockwise and counterclockwise), forward outside threeturns, Mohawks.

Short track

Playful warm-up for children and young people, competitions for improving the speed and responsiveness, playful endurance training, games and exercises forms with div. handsets. 

practical course

active class participation, grading of performance level

Will be discussed in the first lesson.

see dates
Di. 11.00-13.00 Uhr (Termine werden noch bekannt gegeben), Eislaufplatz Olympiaworld