310323 UE EU Law Tutorial
summer semester 2021 | Last update: 15.01.2021 | Place course on memo listThis course aims at providing an overview of central aspects of EU law and at familiarising students with the structure and the characteristics of this field of law to prepare them for the EU law examination ("Diplomprüfung").
The tutorial will cover central aspects of EU institutional law and of EU substantive law, as well as the relationship between EU and national law. Special emphasis will be placed on the fundamental freedoms.
Final written exam, active participation (esp. preparation of cases), midterm exam and possibly a homework.
Please note that the course will be held in German.
books: Schroeder, Grundkurs Europarecht (4th edition, 2015); Herdegen, Europarecht (18th edition, 2016); Streinz, Europarecht (9th edition, 2012); Borchardt, Die rechtlichen Grundlagen der Europäischen Union (6th edition, 2015);
Mayr-Singer, Müller, Villoti, Essentials Europarecht (2012); Kodex Europarecht (latest edition).
- Faculty of Law
- Diploma Programme Law according to the Curriculum 2020 (240 ECTS-Credits, 8 semesters)
- Diploma Programme Law according to the Curriculum 2001
- III. Law - Integrated Programme according to the Curriculum 2018
- III. Law - Integrated Programme according to the Curriculum 2001