103225 SE Specific Communication and Action Skills 1: Visual communication and image understanding

summer semester 2022 | Last update: 09.03.2022 Place course on memo list
SE Specific Communication and Action Skills 1: Visual communication and image understanding
SE 2
each semester

The students learn the technical and symbolic conditions, to understand the political and social structures of visual communications and on the other side to promote the competence of judgment an action.

Since Galilei looked with the telescope to the stars, people in modern times are living in the world of pictures. But already for Plato to see had the highest quality in the perception. Painting had mainly a religious and political dimension, which is demonstrated in Leonardo. But since the ‘technical reproducibility’ (Walter Benjamin)photography, movie and television it seems that the picture is pushing aside the letter – and much more in the times of Facebook, Always pictures are used for political communication, today also for the private. But sind Hitchcock 1949 in the history of movie let lie the camera, it should be clear, what not at all is well known: Pictures are not telling the truth. Pictures are the product of perspective and lens and therefore always an object of manipulation. Worldviews – as ideologies – always pretend to have the right view to the world, but there isn’t one. The seminar introduce, how it is necessary to understand pictures in the political and social communication, to let know how social and political interaction is working and to show how participation is possible.

Presentation, discussion, analysis of pictures and text

Oral Representation and scriptural Word

Kerstin Alexander, Kompendium der visuellen Information und Kommunkation, Wiesbaden 2007

Jonathan Baldwin, Lucienne Roberts,  Visuelle Kommunikation: Theorie und Praxis, München 2007

Walter Benjamin, Das Kunstwerk im Zeitalter seiner technischen Reproduzierbarkeit, Frankfurt 1975

Gilles Deleuze, Kino 1 + 2, Frankfurt/M. 1997

Vilém Flusser, Medienkultur, Frankfurt/M. 1997

Martin Heidegger, Zeit des Weltbildes, Holzwege, Frankfurt/M. 1963

Berward Hoffmann, Medienpädagogik, Paderborn 2003

Konrad Paul Liessmann, Theorie der Unbildung , Wien 2006

Marshall McLuhan, Das Medium ist die Botschaft, Dresden 2001

Platon, Politeia

Volker Reinhardt, Leonardo da Vinci, München 2018

Hans-Martin Schönherr-Mann, Involution und Revolution – Vorlesungen über Medien „Bildung und Politik“ an der Uni Innsbruck, Norderstedt 2015

Ders., Was ist politische Philosophie, Frankfurt/New York 2012

Lambert Wiesing, Die Sichtbarkeit des Bildes, Frankfurt/New York 1997

Ders., Sehen lassen – die Praxis des Zeigens, Frankfurt/M. 2013

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