103273 SE Seminar with B.A.-Thesis:Relationships between generations, youth research, educational research

summer semester 2022 | Last update: 14.09.2023 Place course on memo list
SE Seminar with B.A.-Thesis:Relationships between generations, youth research, educational research
SE 2

Students are able to use scientific working methods in bachelor thesis.

In the course of the seminar your writing process will be supported by theoretical, methodical and creative methods: planning and mastery of the writing process, finding a topic, searching for literature, documentation methods, formulation of research questions, outlining a scientific paper – the central theme, argument techniques, finding and implementing suitable research methods for answering the research questions.

The topics of the bachelor theses focus on: relationships between generations, mastery of transition processes of young people, education and socialisation of children and young people, teaching and learning in school or formal, non-formal and informal learning during adult education (lifelong learning). 

The topics of the bachelor theses relate to questions of relationships between generations, youth research and educational research in all contexts of pedagogical and social fields of work.

scientific working methods

Immanent examination character: regular participation, preparation and presentation of an exposé, active participation in discussions concerning the drafts of the peers, handling written and oral tasks, bachelor thesis

Hug, Theo, Niedermair, Klaus& Drexler, Arthur (2019) (Hrsg.): Wissenschaftliches Arbeiten. Eine Handreichung. Innsbruck: Studia, 4. Auflage.

Karmasin, Matthias & Ribing, Rainer (2014): Die Gestaltung wissenschaftlicher Arbeiten. Facultas: Wien, 8. Auflage. (Bibliothek online)

Kornmeier, Martin (2018): Wissenschaftlich schreiben leicht gemacht für Bachelor, Master und Dissertation. Bern: Hauptverlag. (Bibliothek online)

Kruse, Otto (2018): Lesen und Schreiben. Der richtige Umgang mit Texten im Studium. Wien: Huter & Roth, 3. Auflage.

Niedermair, Klaus (2010): Recherchieren und Dokumentieren. Der richtige Umgang mit Literatur im Studium. Wien: Huter & Roth.

Successful completion of modules 1 to 7, module 16, and either module 17 or module 20 or module 21.

see dates
Group 0
Date Time Location
Wed 2022-03-09
19.15 - 20.45 SR Liebeneggstraße SR Liebeneggstraße Barrier-free
Wed 2022-03-16
19.15 - 20.45 SR Liebeneggstraße SR Liebeneggstraße Barrier-free
Wed 2022-03-23
19.15 - 20.45 SR Liebeneggstraße SR Liebeneggstraße Barrier-free
Wed 2022-03-30
19.15 - 20.45 SR Liebeneggstraße SR Liebeneggstraße Barrier-free
Wed 2022-04-06
19.15 - 20.45 SR Liebeneggstraße SR Liebeneggstraße Barrier-free
Wed 2022-04-27
19.15 - 20.45 SR Liebeneggstraße SR Liebeneggstraße Barrier-free
Wed 2022-05-04
19.15 - 20.45 SR Liebeneggstraße SR Liebeneggstraße Barrier-free
Wed 2022-05-11
19.15 - 20.45 SR Liebeneggstraße SR Liebeneggstraße Barrier-free
Wed 2022-05-18
19.15 - 20.45 SR Liebeneggstraße SR Liebeneggstraße Barrier-free
Wed 2022-05-25
19.15 - 20.45 SR Liebeneggstraße SR Liebeneggstraße Barrier-free
Wed 2022-06-01
19.15 - 20.45 SR Liebeneggstraße SR Liebeneggstraße Barrier-free
Wed 2022-06-08
19.15 - 20.45 SR Liebeneggstraße SR Liebeneggstraße Barrier-free
Wed 2022-06-15
19.15 - 20.45 SR Liebeneggstraße SR Liebeneggstraße Barrier-free
Wed 2022-06-22
19.15 - 20.45 SR Liebeneggstraße SR Liebeneggstraße Barrier-free
Wed 2022-06-29
19.15 - 20.45 SR Liebeneggstraße SR Liebeneggstraße Barrier-free