103276 SE Seminar with B.A.-Thesis: Gender Studies

summer semester 2022 | Last update: 14.09.2023 Place course on memo list
SE Seminar with B.A.-Thesis: Gender Studies
SE 2
every 2 weeks
During the course students will learn to plan their thesis content- and timewise, they will acquire knowledge to handle research topics and transform them into research questions. In the end, the students are capableresearching  their specific topic and write their BA-theses accordingly. 

Aim of this course is to hand in the final BA Thesis. The meetings will provide insights in academic writing and planning of academic projects. This includes finding a research topic in the field og gender studies, narrow it down to a research question, and finally answer this question according to theoretical frameworks.

Participants are expected to have knowledge in gender studies and to have visited courses in the field.

Exercises dealing with the planning of the research process as well as scientific reading and writing skills. Discussion of research ideas, plans, methods and the topic of scientific writing; elaboration of research questions; presentation of results, feedback.

Theo Hug und Klaus Niedermair (Hrsg.): Wissenschaftliches Arbeiten. Handreichung. 2011. - Downloadlink 

Flick, Uwe: Qualitative Sozialforschung. Eine Einführung. Reinbeck bei Hamburg, Rowohlt Taschenbuch Verlag, 2011

Strübing, Jörg: Qualitative Sozialforschung. Eine komprimierte Einführung für Studierende. München, Oldenbourg Verlag, 2013

Wolfsberger, Judith: Frei geschrieben: Mut, Freiheit & Strategie für wissenschaftliche Abschlussarbeiten. UTB, 2016

Wymann, Christian und Neff, Franz: Checkliste SChreibprozess. Ihr Weg zum guten Text: Punkt für Punkt. UTB, 2018

Reinicke, Katja: Fürchte Dich nicht- schreibe! Die Heldenmethode für Haus- und Abschlussarbeiten. UTB, 2018


see dates
Group 0
Date Time Location
Thu 2022-03-10
08.30 - 11.45 SR Maximilianstraße SR Maximilianstraße
Thu 2022-03-24
08.30 - 11.45 SR Schöpfstraße SR Schöpfstraße
Thu 2022-04-28
08.30 - 11.45 SR Schöpfstraße SR Schöpfstraße
Thu 2022-05-12
08.30 - 11.45 SR Schöpfstraße SR Schöpfstraße
Thu 2022-05-19
08.30 - 11.45 SR Schöpfstraße SR Schöpfstraße
Thu 2022-06-02
08.30 - 11.45 SR Schöpfstraße SR Schöpfstraße
Thu 2022-06-30
08.30 - 11.45 SR Schöpfstraße SR Schöpfstraße