202745 VO Philosophy of Mind: Special Topics
summer semester 2022 | Last update: 03.03.2022 | Place course on memo listKnowledge of contemporary debates concerning persons and personal identity.
We will discuss the most influential contributions to the actual debate of persons and personal identity: Strawson, Dennett, Parfit, Lowe, Rudder-Baker.
Historical positions (Locke, Kant) should be considered in so far as they are relevant for the understanding of the contemporary debates.
The relevance of ontology for the "philosophy of mind" should be outlined.
Lecture with student participation.
Written exam.
Will be announced in the lecture. As introduction: C. Kanzian, Ding-Substanz-Person. Ontos 2009.
This course is organized in cooperation with the Philosophisch-Theologische Hochschule Brixen. Please note that for admission you have to be a registered student of the Philosophisch-Theologische Hochschule Brixen (incl. tuition fee), additionally to the admission requirements of the University of Innsbruck. More information on the admission in Brixen: https://www.pthsta.it/de/studium/immatrikulation-und-inskription.html.
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