603712 SE Principles of Educational Science: Advanced II: Fate and Education: Non-Institutional Opportunities: From Non-Profit Organizations to Blockupy

summer semester 2022 | Last update: 16.03.2022 Place course on memo list
SE Principles of Educational Science: Advanced II: Fate and Education: Non-Institutional Opportunities: From Non-Profit Organizations to Blockupy
SE 2
every 2 weeks

Students learn in-depth knowledge of theories of development and socialization, especially in the fields of non-institutional contexts in childhood, adolescence, and young adulthood. First, general socialization and development-related theoretical aspects of non-institutional contexts are introduced to develop an understanding of "the effects" of non-school contexts and environments. “Classical" (e.g., elections and membership in organizations, clubs, parties) but also "non-classical" (e.g., Blockupy, guerrilla gardening, flash mobs) forms of social will be discussed in terms of their relevance for learning and development.

Non-institutional contexts for children, adolescents and young adults are a "classic" topic in youth research: as an indicator of social integration and sustainability, as a goal, as a principle, but also as a context for pedagogical action. There seems to be a broad consensus that non-institutional contexts are desirable - i.e., in the sense of participation. There is a general belief that young people are becoming less and less involved in society and less and less interested in public issues. This seems especially true for the so-called "classic" forms of participation. Rarely do we recognize what young people actually do to express themselves, cope with their everyday lives, realize their life plans or influence their environment as an act of participation. Moreover, it is often overlooked that non-institutional contexts give young people the opportunity to acquire and apply knowledge, skills, and abilities that are difficult to teach in schools, for example. Participation opportunities can be understood as learning settings that promote cognitive, motivational and emotional (learning and development) processes.

Short presentations, poster preparation as well as concept development; group-based work & discussion.

Assessment is based on regular written and oral contributions of the participants

  • Krüger, HH., Rauschenbach, T. (2020). Jugend und Politik. Z Erziehungswiss 23, 1097–1101.
  • Jörg Tremmel, & Tremmel, J. (2016). Politische Beteiligung junger Menschen. Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden.
  • Gaiser, W., Krüger, W., De Rijke, J., & Wächter, F. (2016). Jugend und politische Partizipation in Deutschland und Europa. In Politische Beteiligung junger Menschen (pp. 13-38). Springer VS, Wiesbaden.
  • Reinders, H. (2016). Politische Sozialisation Jugendlicher Entwicklungsprozesse und Handlungsfelder. In Jugend und Politik (pp. 85-101). Springer VS, Wiesbaden.

Positive completion of modules 1 to 7 and 16.

see dates
Group 0
Date Time Location
Thu 2022-03-17
08.30 - 11.45 4U102b 4U102b Barrier-free Induction loops for hearing impaired
Thu 2022-03-31
08.30 - 11.45 4U102b 4U102b Barrier-free Induction loops for hearing impaired
Thu 2022-04-28
08.30 - 11.45 4U102b 4U102b Barrier-free Induction loops for hearing impaired
Thu 2022-05-12
08.30 - 11.45 4U102b 4U102b Barrier-free Induction loops for hearing impaired
Thu 2022-06-09
08.30 - 11.45 4U102b 4U102b Barrier-free Induction loops for hearing impaired
Thu 2022-06-23
08.30 - 11.45 4U102b 4U102b Barrier-free Induction loops for hearing impaired