930011 Master Thesis Colloquium
winter semester 2022/2023 | Last update: 28.07.2022 | Place course on memo listThe participants design a thesis (synopsis) and will be able to communicate topic, research question, method in different contexts. They argue in how they will position their study in the field of gender studies and in what way their study will contribute to research.
The participants will present and discuss the topic, research question and method of their master’s thesis by mid-November.
Please note: By mid-October at the latest, students must already have successfully completed the compulsory module 5, which includes an agreement between student and supervisor of the master’s thesis on the topic, a summary of the contents (exposé) as well as a time schedule.
Presentations, writing exercises, peer learning, discussions, input by course instructor
Presentations, discussions, written and oral contributions
Frank, Andrea / Haacke, Stefanie / Lahm, Swantje: Schlüsselkompetenzen: Schreiben in Studium und Beruf. Stuttgart, Weimar 2007.
Günther, Katja: Selbstcoaching in der Wissenschaft. Wie das Schreiben gelingt. Opladen 2020.
Hagen, Florian et al.: Mehr als 77 Tipps zum wissenschaftlichen Arbeiten. Hamburg 2021.
Schriever, Carla et al.: fEMPOWER. Ratgeber für angehende Wissenschaftlerinnen. Opladen 2021.
successful completion of the compulsory modules 1 - 4.
for questions concerning the Master's Programme Gender, Culture and Social Change please contact the coordinator: gender-studies@uibk.ac.at
Please note the 4 dates of the colloquium.
Do, 17.11.2022, 14:00-19:00 , Besprechungszimmer Europ. Ethnologie, 7. Stock, Zi. 40726
- SDG 5 - Gender equality: Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls.