222074 SE Systematic Theology: Advanced Exemplary Study: Greed, temperance, renunciation - all for a good life?

summer semester 2023 | Last update: 09.03.2023 Place course on memo list
SE Systematic Theology: Advanced Exemplary Study: Greed, temperance, renunciation - all for a good life?
SE 2
each semester

In-depth knowledge of spiritual and philosophical reflection on the vice of greed, the virtue of temperance and the practices of renunciation. Understanding of different concepts of the "good life" and the respective conduciveness of greed, moderation, and renunciation.

Collective and individual threshold or boundary experiences (of limited resources, of climate change, of information overload, etc.) encourage changes in personal lifestyle more than ever. Can the traditions of Western philosophy and Christian spirituality inspire these changes? How does the vice of greed manifest and develop? To what extent can the virtues opposed to it enable us to lead a good and fulfilled life? Some of the classical answers from spirituality and Western philosophy will be discussed in the seminar.

Interpretation of texts, class room discussions.

Active participation in the class, reflection papers and final paper.

To be announced at the beginning of the course.


Group 0
Date Time Location
Thu 2023-03-09
08.00 - 09.30 SR III (Theologie) SR III (Theologie) Barrier-free
Thu 2023-03-16
08.00 - 09.30 SR III (Theologie) SR III (Theologie) Barrier-free
Thu 2023-03-23
08.00 - 09.30 SR III (Theologie) SR III (Theologie) Barrier-free
Thu 2023-03-30
08.00 - 09.30 SR III (Theologie) SR III (Theologie) Barrier-free
Thu 2023-04-20
08.00 - 09.30 SR III (Theologie) SR III (Theologie) Barrier-free
Thu 2023-04-27
08.00 - 09.30 SR III (Theologie) SR III (Theologie) Barrier-free
Thu 2023-05-04
08.00 - 09.30 SR III (Theologie) SR III (Theologie) Barrier-free
Thu 2023-05-11
08.00 - 09.30 SR III (Theologie) SR III (Theologie) Barrier-free
Thu 2023-05-25
08.00 - 09.30 SR III (Theologie) SR III (Theologie) Barrier-free
Thu 2023-06-01
08.00 - 09.30 SR III (Theologie) SR III (Theologie) Barrier-free
Thu 2023-06-15
08.00 - 09.30 SR III (Theologie) SR III (Theologie) Barrier-free
Thu 2023-06-22
08.00 - 09.30 SR III (Theologie) SR III (Theologie) Barrier-free
Thu 2023-06-29
08.00 - 09.30 SR III (Theologie) SR III (Theologie) Barrier-free