603501 SE Biography and Subject in the (Post)Migration Society: Postmigrant Perspectives
summer semester 2023 | Last update: 14.09.2023 | Place course on memo listStudents are able to apply the acquired knowledge about migration, education and diversity and compare the different theoretical concepts.
They develop a reflexive knowledge of social conditions in the migration society and acquire skills to assess conditions, forms and consequences of subjectivation processes and to apply them to pedagogical situations.
Students are able to critically examine post-migrant perspectives, ideas and approaches, to draw educational theoretical and practical conclusions and to derive research questions.
The seminar will address the conditions, forms and consequences of processes of subjectivation, especially from a post-migrant perspective. The focus is on social and individual localization strategies of people with migration and their migration experiences. The selected topics include: Multiple affiliation, transcultural perspectives and postmigrant theoretical approaches. In concrete case studies, the theoretical perspectives are applied to children, young people and adults as well as to pedagogical practice. Conventional concepts of identity are critically reflected upon and alternatives are discussed.
Input by the lecturer, reading and analysing selected texts, written and oral contributions by students.
Students have the opportunity to create small empirical studies.
Other interactionist and diversity-conscious methods include blended learning, Critical Friends and Reflecting Teams, and the Network of Common Ground.
This is a course with immanent examination character. The assessment is based on written and oral contributions of the students.
You will receive detailed information in the first course.
Will be announced at the beginning of the lecture.
mailto: Marc.Hill@student.uibk.ac.at
- SDG 4 - Quality education: Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all.
- SDG 11 - Sustainable cities and communities: Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient, and sustainable.
Group 0
Date | Time | Location | ||
Thu 2023-03-09
11.30 - 14.30 | ST Schöpfstraße ST Schöpfstraße | ||
Thu 2023-03-23
11.30 - 14.30 | ST Schöpfstraße ST Schöpfstraße | ||
Thu 2023-04-20
11.30 - 14.30 | ST Schöpfstraße ST Schöpfstraße | ||
Thu 2023-05-04
11.30 - 14.30 | ST Schöpfstraße ST Schöpfstraße | ||
Thu 2023-06-01
11.30 - 14.30 | ST Schöpfstraße ST Schöpfstraße | ||
Thu 2023-06-15
11.30 - 14.30 | ST Schöpfstraße ST Schöpfstraße | ||
Thu 2023-06-29
11.30 - 14.30 | ST Schöpfstraße ST Schöpfstraße |