923016 Practical Accompanying/Coaching 01

summer semester 2023 | Last update: 13.03.2023 Place course on memo list
E This course is offered as part of a joint study programme by another educational institution

(University Mozarteum Salzburg)
Practical Accompanying/Coaching 01
KG 1
see http://www.musicmozarteum.wix.com/flute
Find the current syllabus, schedule and all informations on Dr. Petra Music's external course website: http://www.musicmozarteum.wix.com/flute For further questions, please contact the lecturer personally via email or phone: petra.music@moz.ac.at, 0676/7296446
see http://www.musicmozarteum.wix.com/flute
see http://www.musicmozarteum.wix.com/flute
see http://www.musicmozarteum.wix.com/flute
see http://www.musicmozarteum.wix.com/flute