922224 Development Art Practice II

winter semester 2024/2025 | Last update: 19.08.2024 Place course on memo list
E This course is offered as part of a joint study programme by another educational institution

(University Mozarteum Salzburg)
Development Art Practice II
KE 8
Competencies in the generation of artistic ideas, their creative realization using appropriate materials and processes, and their reflection, contextualization and mediation in different areas of art practice.
Development of pictorial thinking, techniques and materials of diverse artistic practices and their individual applications, development and implementation of ideas and projects in various fields of art. Research of the artistic and social environment and context. Presentation, exhibition, documentation. Collaborative class projects. Exhibition visits, field trips.
One-on-one artistic instruction. Students develop approaches to their own artistic positions, their reflection and mediation. Workload: 5 ECTS
Immanent examination character. Plenum. Presentation and discussion of term projects. Portfolio. Exhibition.
According to Curriculum