800705 Natural Hazards in Mountain Regions

winter semester 2016/2017 | Last update: 08.11.2016 Place course on memo list
Natural Hazards in Mountain Regions
WS 2
not applicable

The course will demonstrate the students an interdisciplinary perspective on a common topic and will strengthen their skills to present their work in an “interdisciplinary language” when appropriate.

The course will also facilitate students the first steps into the scientific world (writing abstracts, preparing presentations, organizing conferences sessions etc.).




The umbrella of the course will be natural hazards in mountain regions investigated from various viewpoints. In a first part, students will get in touch with experts working on different topics relevant for natural hazards in Mountain regions: E.g. the (ongoing) formation of the Alps and direct impacts on natural hazards, impacts of Mountains on weather phenomena as a trigger for natural hazards, modelling of Mountain mass movements, strategies for frequency and location assessments of (historic) Alpine natural hazards, strategies for hazard and risk zone planning in Alpine regions, economic perspectives on Alpine natural hazards, …

In a second part, a scientific conference will be simulated in which the participating students will act as conference organizers, session conveners, and presenters of their scientific work.


More details are available following the weblink below.


evaluative course

The Student Colloquium „Natural Hazards in Mountain Regions“ addresses Master Students from all Faculties and will include a mentored, self-organized Workshop.

The detailed lecture program and the requested contributions will be discussed at the beginning of the first lecture.

The time schedule is already available at https://www.uibk.ac.at/alpinerraum/studentcolloquium2016_17/index.html.en. Information on lecture rooms will be available at LFU:Online as soon as possible.

27.01.2017; 8:00-18:00 Uhr, Seehof
Group 0
Date Time Location
Wed 2016-11-09
17.30 - 19.45 Geologie Schausammlung Geologie Schausammlung
Wed 2016-11-23
18.00 - 19.30 60819 SR 60819 SR Barrier-free W. Gurgiser
Wed 2016-11-30
17.30 - 20.00 HSB 9 HSB 9 Barrier-free
Wed 2016-12-07
18.00 - 19.30 Geologie Schausammlung Geologie Schausammlung
Wed 2017-01-18
18.00 - 19.30 60819 SR 60819 SR Barrier-free Gertraud Meißl
Mon 2017-01-23
18.00 - 19.30 60819 SR 60819 SR Barrier-free Wolfgang Gurgiser