198876 VU Aspects of Digitalisation: Ethics and Knowledge in a Digitalized World

summer semester 2022 | Last update: 21.02.2022 Place course on memo list
VU Aspects of Digitalisation: Ethics and Knowledge in a Digitalized World
VU 3

Familiarity with the topics and problems of a digitalized society, and the ability to think and write critically about them.

The increasing digitalization of our society upends many traditional forms of thought and action. The present generation has both the opportunity and the responsibility to understand as well as shape these developments.

  • What factors determine our right to digital privacy? 
  • What is the effect of digitalization on democracy? 
  • Who bears responsibility for accidents of self-driving cars? 
  • What does friendship mean in an online context? 
  • How can we invest rational trust for online information? 
  • How do online platforms subtly structure our thought? 

Students will not only discuss these and similar important questions, they will develop the critical thinking abilities needed to negotiate life in a digitalized world.

Lectures, class discussion, short essays.

Short essays.

Will be announced.



Click here to see the course schedule: 202.126


This course is provided within 202.126 VO Philosophy of Digitisation: Ethics and Knowledge in a Digitalized World (which also includes the course schedule).

The acceptance procedure is based on prioritised randomisation. Students advanced in completion of the Digital Science minor get precedence

siehe LV 202126, Seminarraum I (Theologie)