223210 SE Cooperative Didactics of Religious Education: "Subdue Earth"!? Biblical Impulses for Sustainability and Responsibility for Creation

summer semester 2022 | Last update: 15.03.2023 Place course on memo list
SE Cooperative Didactics of Religious Education: "Subdue Earth"!? Biblical Impulses for Sustainability and Responsibility for Creation
SE 2

The participants are able to conceptualize education for Sustainable Development on the basis of texts about the creation of the world in the old testament.

Sustainability and Responsibility for Creation are the most important challenges in the future. The seminar will deal with texts about creation in the old testament and asks for the implications and impulses for education for Sustainable Development.

Active cooperation in planning, short presentations, working in groups and plenum, discussions and reflection; creative forms.

Active cooperation in planning and during the lecture, short presentation, seminar paper

To be announced in the seminar.




Group 0
Date Time Location
Fri 2022-03-04
09.00 - 10.30 Übungsraum Katechetik, Zi. 242 Übungsraum Katechetik, Zi. 242 Barrier-free Vorbesprechung
Fri 2022-03-25
09.00 - 12.30 Übungsraum Katechetik, Zi. 242 Übungsraum Katechetik, Zi. 242 Barrier-free
Fri 2022-04-08
09.00 - 12.30 Übungsraum Katechetik, Zi. 242 Übungsraum Katechetik, Zi. 242 Barrier-free
Fri 2022-05-06
09.00 - 12.30 Übungsraum Katechetik, Zi. 242 Übungsraum Katechetik, Zi. 242 Barrier-free
Fri 2022-05-27
09.00 - 12.30 Übungsraum Katechetik, Zi. 242 Übungsraum Katechetik, Zi. 242 Barrier-free
Fri 2022-06-24
09.00 - 12.30 Übungsraum Katechetik, Zi. 242 Übungsraum Katechetik, Zi. 242 Barrier-free