608160 VO History of New High German
winter semester 2023/2024 | Last update: 15.05.2024 | Place course on memo listBasic knowledge of structures and factors of language change. Ability to recognize and evaluate current tendencies of language change.
History of New High German; influence of language varieties and media on language change; theories of language change; language change in contemporary German.
Lecture, PowerPoint slides, discussion
online open-book test
(Multiple-Choice-questions, open questions with short answer, transcription of a short text in "Fraktur", linguistic analysis of 1/2 sentences from a historical text)
More information in the OLAT-course
Nübling, Damaris et al. (2017): Historische Sprachwissenschaft des Deutschen. Eine Einführung in die Prinzipien des Sprachwandels (5., aktualisierte Auflage). Tübingen: Narr Francke Attempto.
von Polenz, Peter (2013): Deutsche Sprachgeschichte vom Spätmittelalter bis zur Gegenwart: Band II. 17. und 18. Jahrhundert (2. Auflage, bearbeitet von Claudine Moulin). Berlin / Boston: De Gruyter.
von Polenz, Peter (1999): Deutsche Sprachgeschichte vom Spätmittelalter bis zur Gegenwart: Band III. 19. und 20. Jahrhundert. Berlin / Boston: De Gruyter.
Cf. Curriculum
- Extension Study Programmes
- Minors (Complementary Subject Area)
- Faculty of Catholic Theology
- Faculty of Social and Political Sciences
- Bachelor's Programme Political Science according to the curriculum 2007 (180 ECTS-Credits, 6 semesters)
- Bachelor's Programme Sociology according to the curriculum 2007 (180 ECTS-Credits, 6 semesters)
- Faculty of Teacher Education
- SDG 4 - Quality education: Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all.
- SDG 5 - Gender equality: Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls.
- SDG 10 - Reducing inequalities: Reduce income inequality within and among countries.
- SDG 16 - Peace, justice and strong institutions: Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels.
Group 0
Date | Time | Location | ||
Wed 2023-10-04
08.30 - 10.00 | Hörsaal 6 Hörsaal 6 | Barrier-free | |
Wed 2023-10-11
08.30 - 10.00 | Hörsaal 6 Hörsaal 6 | Barrier-free | |
Wed 2023-10-18
08.30 - 10.00 | Hörsaal 6 Hörsaal 6 | Barrier-free | |
Wed 2023-10-25
08.30 - 10.00 | Hörsaal 6 Hörsaal 6 | Barrier-free | |
Wed 2023-11-08
08.30 - 10.00 | Hörsaal 6 Hörsaal 6 | Barrier-free | |
Wed 2023-11-15
08.30 - 10.00 | Hörsaal 6 Hörsaal 6 | Barrier-free | |
Wed 2023-11-22
08.30 - 10.00 | Hörsaal 6 Hörsaal 6 | Barrier-free | |
Wed 2023-11-29
08.30 - 10.00 | Hörsaal 6 Hörsaal 6 | Barrier-free | |
Wed 2023-12-06
08.30 - 10.00 | Hörsaal 6 Hörsaal 6 | Barrier-free | |
Wed 2023-12-13
08.30 - 10.00 | Hörsaal 6 Hörsaal 6 | Barrier-free | |
Wed 2024-01-10
08.30 - 10.00 | Hörsaal 6 Hörsaal 6 | Barrier-free | |
Wed 2024-01-17
08.30 - 10.00 | Hörsaal 6 Hörsaal 6 | Barrier-free | |
Wed 2024-01-24
08.30 - 10.00 | Hörsaal 6 Hörsaal 6 | Barrier-free | |
Wed 2024-01-31
08.30 - 10.00 | Hörsaal 6 Hörsaal 6 | Barrier-free |