603050 VO Principles of Inclusive Education

winter semester 2019/2020 | Last update: 07.09.2020 Place course on memo list
VO Principles of Inclusive Education
VO 2

The human rights and institutional foundations of inclusive education and educational processes are understood and can be argued

This course will examine processes of inclusion and exclusion from a human rights-oriented and pedagogical perspective. The course will further explain key concepts of inclusive education that contrast with special educational and medical concepts of disability. Current developments in Austria are critically reflected.

This is a blended-learning course; digital and non-digital learning methods and settings are combined. Dates for the alternating face-to-face and online sessions will be announced in the first session.

Written exam

Will be announced in the first session.

see dates
Group 0
Date Time Location
Wed 2019-10-09
17.15 - 18.45 Hörsaal 2 Hörsaal 2 Barrier-free
Wed 2019-10-16
17.15 - 18.45 Hörsaal 2 Hörsaal 2 Barrier-free
Wed 2019-10-30
17.15 - 18.45 Hörsaal 2 Hörsaal 2 Barrier-free
Wed 2019-11-06
17.15 - 18.45 Hörsaal 2 Hörsaal 2 Barrier-free
Wed 2019-11-13
17.15 - 18.45 Hörsaal 2 Hörsaal 2 Barrier-free
Wed 2019-11-20
17.15 - 18.45 Hörsaal 2 Hörsaal 2 Barrier-free
Wed 2019-11-27
17.15 - 18.45 Hörsaal 2 Hörsaal 2 Barrier-free
Wed 2019-12-04
17.15 - 18.45 Hörsaal 2 Hörsaal 2 Barrier-free
Wed 2019-12-11
17.15 - 18.45 Hörsaal 2 Hörsaal 2 Barrier-free
Wed 2020-01-08
17.15 - 18.45 Hörsaal 2 Hörsaal 2 Barrier-free
Wed 2020-01-15
17.15 - 18.45 Hörsaal 2 Hörsaal 2 Barrier-free
Wed 2020-01-22
08.45 - 13.00 Prüfungsraum Büro der Behindertenbeauftragten Prüfungsraum Büro der Behindertenbeauftragten Barrier-free
Wed 2020-01-22
17.00 - 20.00 eExams Prüfungsraum eExams Prüfungsraum Barrier-free
Wed 2020-01-22
17.15 - 18.45 Hörsaal 2 Hörsaal 2 Barrier-free
Wed 2020-01-29
17.00 - 19.15 eExams Prüfungsraum eExams Prüfungsraum Barrier-free
Wed 2020-01-29
17.15 - 18.45 Hörsaal 2 Hörsaal 2 Barrier-free
Wed 2020-05-06
15.00 - 16.00 eExams Prüfungsraum eExams Prüfungsraum Barrier-free