222026 VO World Religions II: Indian Religions and Philosophies: A Selection
winter semester 2020/2021 | Last update: 15.04.2021 | Place course on memo listAn overview of the philosophical and religious streams in India, historical and thematic considerations, the relation between religion and philosophy in India. Transition to closer discussions of the terms ‘religion’ and ‘philosophy’. Other topics topics will include ethics and mysticism in the Indian traditions.
The ancient, indigenous Indian religions and philosophies are those of Brahmanism/Hinduism, Jainism, Buddhism and the materialist school Cārvaka/Lokāyata. They developed gradually as religious and philosophical streams around the 5th century BCE. Whereas Buddhism and Jainism can be traced back to founders of these religions, the followers of Brahmanism/Hinduism regard their religion as being eternal (sanātana-dharma) and of non-human (apauruṣeya) origin. Indian culture as a whole is formed out of the interplay and interaction of these three basically divergent world views.
It is well-known that Jainism and Buddhism do not recognise a creator god, although they accept divine beings. Some followers of Hinduism, e.g. the Śaivas and Vaiṣṇavas, ascribe the creation of the world to the gods Śiva or Viṣṇu respectively. The divergent religious perspectives in India give rise to the question about how to define the word ‘religion’. After a brief presentation of the basic presuppositions of the three Indian religions, e.g. the acceptance of the karma and rebirth theory, religio-philosophical questions will be discussed. The relation between religion and philosophy, ethics and mysticism will also be thematised. Questions for the sake of clarification and discussions of some topics will be most welcome during the lectures.
Lectures and discussion.
Oral exam.
General information on exams, dates and sign-on at the department:
Th. W. DE BARY (ed.): Sources of Indian Tradition. Vol. I. New York, 1958.
Paul DUNDAS: The Jains. London: Routledge, 2002.
Karl F. GELDNER: Vedismus und Brahmanismus. Tübingen: J.C.B. Mohr, 1928.
H. VON GLASENAPP: Indische Geisteswelt, Glaube und Weisheit der Hindus. Baden Baden: Im Bertelsmann Lesering, 1958.
H. VON GLASENAPP: Der Jainismus. Eine indische Erlösungsreligion. Hildesheim: Georg Olms Verlag, 1925/1984.
Jan GONDA: Die Religionen Indiens. 3 Bde., Stuttgart: Kohlhammer, 1978 (2. Aufl.)
Thomas R. TRAUTMANN: India. Brief History of a Civilization. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2011.
- Faculty of Catholic Theology
- Bachelor's Programme Catholic Religious Education according to the Curriculum 2009 (180 ECTS-Credits, 6 semesters)
- Diploma Programme Catholic Theology according to the Curriculum 2009 (300 ECTS-Credits, 10 semesters)
- Faculty of Teacher Education
- Master's Programme in Islamic Religious Education according to the Curriculum 2018 (120 ECTS-Credits, 4 Semesters)
- Master's Programme Secondary School Teacher Training (General Education) according to the curriculum 2018 (120 ECTS-Credits, 4 semesters)
- Interdisciplinary and additional courses
- SDG 4 - Quality education: Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all.
Group 0
Date | Time | Location | ||
Thu 2020-10-08
11.00 - 12.45 | MS (Theologie) MS (Theologie) | Barrier-free | |
Thu 2020-10-15
11.00 - 12.45 | MS (Theologie) MS (Theologie) | Barrier-free | |
Thu 2020-10-22
11.00 - 12.45 | MS (Theologie) MS (Theologie) | Barrier-free | |
Thu 2020-10-29
11.00 - 12.45 | MS (Theologie) MS (Theologie) | Barrier-free | |
Thu 2020-11-05
11.00 - 12.45 | MS (Theologie) MS (Theologie) | Barrier-free | virtuell |
Thu 2020-11-12
11.00 - 12.45 | MS (Theologie) MS (Theologie) | Barrier-free | virtuell |
Thu 2020-11-19
11.00 - 12.45 | MS (Theologie) MS (Theologie) | Barrier-free | virtuell |
Thu 2020-11-26
11.00 - 13.45 | Handbibliothek Dogmatik, Zi. 138 Handbibliothek Dogmatik, Zi. 138 | Barrier-free | Mündliche Prüfung |
Thu 2020-12-03
11.00 - 13.45 | Handbibliothek Dogmatik, Zi. 138 Handbibliothek Dogmatik, Zi. 138 | Barrier-free | Mündliche Prüfung |
Thu 2020-12-10
11.00 - 13.45 | Handbibliothek Dogmatik, Zi. 138 Handbibliothek Dogmatik, Zi. 138 | Barrier-free | Mündliche Prüfung |