223005 VO Canon Law: Introduction

summer semester 2022 | Last update: 08.06.2022 Place course on memo list
VO Canon Law: Introduction
VO 2

Basics of character, contents and task description of Canon Law as well as particular law sectors.

The Catholic Church is, as the Second Vatican Council emphasized in its Dogmatic Constitution on the Church "Lumen Gentium", faith, salvation and legal community in an integral unit (Art. 8 VatII LG). The VU turns towards the legal dimension of the Church as well as the legal aspects of various current and pastoral questions. It is initially based on the concrete experience of the listeners with canon law and church law-related areas. It deals with the genesis of the ecclesial codes (CIC and CCEO) and the ecclesiastical law. She goes into the matter of being, content and function of ecclesiastical law and presents various attempts at a theological foundation of canon law. It covers the legal status of the faithful (clergy and laity), the allocation of total and partial church, legal issue of leadership, of Christian marriage and the relationship between church and state.

Lecture with discussion and participation in form of practical contributions

Oral examination on the content of the course

Stephan Haering, Wilhelm Rees, Heribert Schmitz (Hrsg.), Handbuch des katholischen Kirchenrechts, 3.  Aufl., Regensburg 2015. Aymans / Mörsdorf, Kanonisches Recht, 13. Aufl., Paderborn u.a. 1991 ff. Peter Krämer, Kirchenrecht, 2 Bde., Stuttgart u.a. 1992 f. Richard Puza, Katholisches Kirchenrecht, 2. Aufl., Heidelberg 1993.


Open for students from the faculty of law

Group 0
Date Time Location
Thu 2022-03-10
10.00 - 11.45 HS I (Theologie) HS I (Theologie) Barrier-free
Thu 2022-03-17
10.00 - 11.45 HS I (Theologie) HS I (Theologie) Barrier-free
Thu 2022-03-24
10.00 - 11.45 HS I (Theologie) HS I (Theologie) Barrier-free
Thu 2022-03-31
10.00 - 11.45 HS I (Theologie) HS I (Theologie) Barrier-free
Thu 2022-04-07
10.00 - 11.45 HS I (Theologie) HS I (Theologie) Barrier-free
Thu 2022-04-28
10.00 - 11.45 HS I (Theologie) HS I (Theologie) Barrier-free
Thu 2022-05-05
10.00 - 11.45 HS I (Theologie) HS I (Theologie) Barrier-free
Thu 2022-05-12
10.00 - 11.45 HS I (Theologie) HS I (Theologie) Barrier-free
Thu 2022-05-19
10.00 - 11.45 HS I (Theologie) HS I (Theologie) Barrier-free
Thu 2022-06-02
10.00 - 11.45 HS I (Theologie) HS I (Theologie) Barrier-free
Thu 2022-06-09
10.00 - 11.45 HS I (Theologie) HS I (Theologie) Barrier-free
Thu 2022-06-23
10.00 - 11.45 HS I (Theologie) HS I (Theologie) Barrier-free
Thu 2022-06-30
10.00 - 11.45 HS I (Theologie) HS I (Theologie) Barrier-free